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Providing business leaders with clear direction to navigate today’s polarised environment without putting tomorrow at risk.


Geopolitical volatility is creating uncertainty, confusion and risk for businesses. Risk committees are wary of unforeseen threats. CEOs are balancing an expectation to stand for something with an increasingly polarised society. And the demands of government, shareholders, employees and customers do not align.

Now is the time to find clarity

In an age of uncertainty, the most successful businesses aren't just reacting – they're leading with clarity. They know exactly what they want to achieve and how smart communication can get them there.

They're also looking ahead, anticipating challenges before they arise, and building strong relationships with the people who matter most – their stakeholders.

Introducing Compass

We understand that today's business environment is increasingly complex. A traditional roadmap isn't enough; you need a strategic framework - a compass - to navigate uncertainty, anticipate change, and adapt to thrive.

Compass, is built on three tenets: Purpose, Impact, and Influence, and has been designed to help navigate today's complex business environment.

Our strategic framework not only guides you through the present but also helps you anticipate the future, allowing you to remain resilient and successful in a constantly changing landscape.

Our expert team will work with you to:

Define and Articulate Your Purpose

We help you clearly express your business purpose and integrate it into a cohesive communications strategy. This proactive approach ensures that your messaging remains consistent and focused, rather than being swayed by fleeting political or societal trends.

Assess Potential Impacts

We map the potential legislative, regulatory or reputational developments with the potential to impact your ability to meet your objectives. How these might change, and what’s coming next. Best in class technology coupled with a deep Hanover network will provide you with foresight as to what may happen next, and how to approach it.

Analyse Stakeholder Influence

We meticulously identify and evaluate the stakeholders within your operational environment, assigning influence scores to each demographic or individual. This analysis provides clarity on key relationships to nurture and offers guidance on effective engagement strategies designed to maximise influence in achieving your goals.


For further information, download the brochure here.

If you would like to discuss, or review your current communication strategy to ensure that it is meeting the particular needs of today’s political and media environment, get in touch.

Talk to us

Gary Cleland

Group Managing Director [email protected]

© Hanover Communications 2025, an AVENIR GLOBAL company. All rights reserved.


