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Internal Communication


Do or DEI. How to Lead with Purpose in a Politicised World

Businesses are grappling with how to respond to geopolitical volatility. The ferocious first months of the new Trump administration...


Leadership Is More Than A Performance

“Well, that was good television.”


Fast Reactions Can Save a Life

Fast reactions can save a life. And in the world of corporate communications, they can prevent a company death.


AI for PR: A 5-Point Plan to Navigate the Hype

In the past 24 hours at the time of writing, a brief glance at the headlines across a selection of news publications paints a picture...


Hanover Launches AI Partnership with InferenceCloud

Hanover has launched a partnership with AI developer InferenceCloud to provide a suite of proprietary tools for its clients to provide...


Feeling boxed in as a business leader?

If so, you're not alone. That’s the message from the latest set of Rewire data gathered from our Rewire Resilience Diagnostic.


Rewiring Communication Strategies for 2023

We live in uncertain times. And 2022 was no exception. The climate crisis, technological change, skills shortages, inflation,...


Why purpose is a strategic superpower and how to harness it

Let’s stop speaking at cross purposes about purpose. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls: Why Cascading Internal Comms No Longer Works

Before I started working in internal communications, I associated the word “cascading” with waterfalls. Sadly, this piece isn’t about...


You cannot build a reputation on what you are going to do

The Spanish painter Pablo Picasso once decreed that “action is the foundational key for all success”. He may have been one of the most...


Reputation strategy in a rewired world

Reputation management has fundamentally shifted in the last decade – from a primary focus on protecting and facilitating business...


Why businesses need to mind the gap between the reality and the perception of their culture

Businesses are sleepwalking into a widening gap between how they present themselves to the wider world and how their employees...

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