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Energy & industry


New Power Balance, New Mandate: What Europe's Election Results Mean for the EU's Future

Europe has gone to the polls and the results are in. The newly elected MEPs will meet in Strasbourg on 16th July and so begins a new...


Irish Elections: The centre holds, Independents soar and Sinn Féin’s bubble bursts

With over 800 seats filled in the local elections, the national picture has become clear.


Building Resilient Futures: What’s Next for The European Green Deal?

Four years after its launch, the European Green Deal stands as a landmark initiative in EU climate policy. But with COP28 concluded...


Making the case for a more inclusive approach to COP communications

On November 11, 2021, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was selected as the host country for the 28th UN global climate talks in 2023.


Charting a Greener Path: Our Commitment to Global Climate Goals

As one of EMEA’s leading communication consultancies, we take our responsibility to the world around us seriously. This is...


Can the EU tame the "Wild West" of green claims?

The publication of the so-called Green Claims Directive on 22 March 2023 is the latest attempt by the European Commission to protect...


Cost of living crisis: how businesses can make a positive impact

The phrase 'cost of living' has appeared over 500% more frequently in national media since Oct 2021.


Notes from Labour conference: the passage of power?

Power is where power goes. Over the past few weeks, British politics has borne out Lyndon Johnson’s famous maxim. With the arrival of...


The power to influence in an age of uncertainty

Political precedents have fallen like dominoes in recent years. Old certainties have collapsed under the weight of populist politics,...


The European energy crisis: chill winds for business

In a piece written before the sad death of Her Majesty The Queen last Thursday, Hanover’s Head of Energy and Industry Larry Smith...


If accountability is an enjoyable process, then the organisation isn’t doing it right

Like real beauty, reputation does not run skin-deep. You can’t, in the words of LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, just “put on your...


What is the anatomy of a resilient reputation?

Exclusive analysis from Hanover shows the value of corporate reputation is increasingly recognised in boardrooms, as communications...

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