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Charting a Greener Path: Our Commitment to Global Climate Goals

Published 04 Oct 2023
Energy & industry

Decarbonisation is here to stay and while top level government’s ambitions are there, the policy and regulatory landscape across the energy and industry portfolio is fluid and highly technical.

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As one of EMEA’s leading communication consultancies, we take our responsibility to the world around us seriously. This is particularly the case when it comes to our climate.

We are delighted to share that, along with other brands in AVENIR GLOBAL’s EMEA network, Hanover has met internationally recognised greenhouse gas reporting standards for the first time in our history.

Over the past year, we have worked with third party consultants to conduct a comprehensive assessment of our carbon emissions across the three main categories of emissions – Scopes 1, 2 and 3.

Together with other AVENIR GLOBAL brands in EMEA, we are today committing to reach net zero by 2040 at the latest, and to making meaningful reductions in Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2030.

Hanover’s Larry Smith and Sabrine Skiker, who led this important initiative on behalf of all the brands, explain more in this short video.

Climate and the transition to carbon neutrality are at the top of everyone’s agenda – from policymakers and journalists through to consumers and shareholders.

If your organisation is looking to navigate the complexities of carbon neutrality and climate commitments, or if you simply want to learn more about our commitment, our specialist team made up of policy, corporate communication and brand experts, is here to help.

Talk to us

Larry Smith

Director [email protected]

© Hanover Communications 2025, an AVENIR GLOBAL company. All rights reserved.


