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FMCG & Retail


What is the anatomy of a resilient reputation?

Exclusive analysis from Hanover shows the value of corporate reputation is increasingly recognised in boardrooms, as communications...


Reputation strategy in a rewired world

Reputation management has fundamentally shifted in the last decade – from a primary focus on protecting and facilitating business...


How the hospitality industry can overcome the perfect storm

The hospitality industry is facing the perfect storm, but those businesses that remain true to their values will see the silver lining...


Rewiring corporate strategy to drive resilience

Resilience in reputation has always been important. But in a decade which has already seen a global pandemic, a decline in democracy,...


Is saving our planet "now a communications challenge"?

“Saving our planet is now a communications challenge”.
Sir David Attenborough

We set out to test a hypothesis from Sir...


Climate comms in the age of crisis: PR can bridge the gap

With the war in Ukraine and rising energy prices stirring the beginnings of an anti-green backlash, it’s never been more important to...


Keeping 'Black Swans' at bay: Four crisis management lessons from business leaders

It’s been almost a year since the first episode of White Swan: The Crisis Podcast first landed.

In that time, we’ve heard from...

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