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Is saving our planet "now a communications challenge"?

Published 29 Mar 2022
Energy & industry

Decarbonisation is here to stay and while top level government’s ambitions are there, the policy and regulatory landscape across the energy and industry portfolio is fluid and highly technical.

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“Saving our planet is now a communications challenge”.
Sir David Attenborough

We set out to test a hypothesis from Sir David Attenborough who said that saving our planet is now a communications challenge.

The majority of business leaders we spoke with, and the general public, agreed that the world is in crisis, but many said they remain hesitant on what to do – and that is at least in part due to how we talk about climate action, and how accessible our language is.

We found that less than a third of business leaders across Europe were confident defining terms like Net Zero, and only one in four people in the UK and Ireland.

We firmly believe that this is a decisive decade for action, for changing our behaviours, for ensuring our policies match our intentions and for firmly positioning our businesses at the vanguard of climate action. The time to act is now.

Our latest report, developed by our Strategy & Insights team, explores what’s next for sustainable businesses.

If you would like to discuss the implications of our findings for your business, please email Director of Strategy & Insights Teodora Coste: [email protected].

*METHODOLOGY: A series of online surveys were conducted between December 2021 and February 2022. A nationally representative sample of 1,506 members of the general public were polled (with quotas for age, sex and location as per the latest Census data) in the UK and Ireland (RoI/UK 502/1,004). A sample of 952 business leaders (director and managers in their organisations) were polled across Europe (Netherlands/ UK/ ROI/ Belgium/ France/ Czech Republic/ Germany/ Spain/ Italy/ Portugal 50/ 250/ 50/ 50/ 100/ 51/ 100/ 100/ 100/ 101).

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