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Winter and workforce woes

The NHS is one of the new government’s top priorities and rightly so. A high-performing NHS is the foundation of good public health...


NHS performance stats: comms pros face tricky balancing act

The second Thursday of each month is always a significant day in the NHS comms calendar.

A raft of stats is published showing...


A new 10-year cancer plan: Will the government be able to deliver what the sector needs?

The Truss Government has committ­ed to developing a new 10-year cancer plan. But set against the backdrop of the Secretary of States...


Notes from Labour conference: the passage of power?

Power is where power goes. Over the past few weeks, British politics has borne out Lyndon Johnson’s famous maxim. With the arrival of...


The power to influence in an age of uncertainty

Political precedents have fallen like dominoes in recent years. Old certainties have collapsed under the weight of populist politics,...


A new prescription for the U.S. healthcare market?

Last month saw the biggest overhaul in U.S. drug pricing regulation in decades. On Friday 12th August the Inflation Reduction Act was...


If accountability is an enjoyable process, then the organisation isn’t doing it right

Like real beauty, reputation does not run skin-deep. You can’t, in the words of LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, just “put on your...


What is the anatomy of a resilient reputation?

Exclusive analysis from Hanover shows the value of corporate reputation is increasingly recognised in boardrooms, as communications...


Reputation strategy in a rewired world

Reputation management has fundamentally shifted in the last decade – from a primary focus on protecting and facilitating business...


Women's Health Strategy - Collectively ensuring women’s voices are heard

The long-awaited Women’s Health Strategy has been published. Its call for evidence in 2021 amassed over 100,000 responses – one of the...


Rewiring corporate strategy to drive resilience

Resilience in reputation has always been important. But in a decade which has already seen a global pandemic, a decline in democracy,...


Innovative contracting at the top of the market access agenda

Pharma and biotech, patients, payers, regulators and HTA agencies gathered at the World Evidence, Pricing and Access Congress in March...

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