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Femtech: Transforming the future of women's healthcare

Femtech is potentially the most important development in health care right now. Women's health has been under-researched and...


VPAS: The importance of making the right argument

With key workers’ strikes, inflation, and immense pressure on public services, arguing for a more generous pricing settlement for the...


Putting prevention at the heart of the future of the NHS

Prioritising the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) should be at the heart of plans to safeguard the long-term sustainability...


Action on Antimicrobial Resistance: will the UK rise to the challenge?

Timely and effective antimicrobials are the cornerstone of our healthcare systems, providing life-saving treatment and supporting...


Elizabeth Holmes case: don't let PR be a tool of fraud

Every PR has had the call: “We’ve got something new, it will make a difference. Help us shout about it?” It’s the classic brief.


NHS Providers Conference: familiar faces, familiar challenges

This week, Hanover joined hundreds of others working in health, in getting together in Liverpool for the NHS Providers conference....


Winter and workforce woes

The NHS is one of the new government’s top priorities and rightly so. A high-performing NHS is the foundation of good public health...


NHS performance stats: comms pros face tricky balancing act

The second Thursday of each month is always a significant day in the NHS comms calendar.

A raft of stats is published showing...


A new 10-year cancer plan: Will the government be able to deliver what the sector needs?

The Truss Government has committ­ed to developing a new 10-year cancer plan. But set against the backdrop of the Secretary of States...


Notes from Labour conference: the passage of power?

Power is where power goes. Over the past few weeks, British politics has borne out Lyndon Johnson’s famous maxim. With the arrival of...


The power to influence in an age of uncertainty

Political precedents have fallen like dominoes in recent years. Old certainties have collapsed under the weight of populist politics,...


A new prescription for the U.S. healthcare market?

Last month saw the biggest overhaul in U.S. drug pricing regulation in decades. On Friday 12th August the Inflation Reduction Act was...

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