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Issue One REWIRE Magazine

Welcome to the first edition of REWIRE

Published 29 Nov 2023

Welcome to the first edition of REWIRE – a magazine about reputation,
recognition and the constants in chaos from Hanover Communications

The aim of Rewire is simple – to create something interesting. To showcase the people who work here, the people we work with and the people we know. And to use their stories to demonstrate the impact that communications – and communicators – have on the world.

We’re lucky at Hanover to know some extraordinary people and do some of the best – and most challenging – work in the industry.

In this first edition we speak to Mo Gawdat, the former chief business officer at Google X and author of (amongst others) Solve for Happy. We also hear from British journalist Jessica Winch, formerly of the Telegraph and now news editor of slow-news outfit, Tortoise, on why the pace of journalism matters. And we delve into 16 sweet years of the NFL in the UK, during which time it has taken the country by storm, becoming a permanent fixture on the British sporting calendar and helping school-age participation in American football soar.

We will discuss the year ahead in politics with Hanover experts from both sides of the political spectrum and we’ll take a fresh look at some of the campaigns and events we’ve loved working on recently.

Of course, we would love to hear feedback, or to have a coffee, if you’ve read anything here that’s interested you, or you have any suggestions for future editions.

You can reach me at

Enjoy, and speak soon

Gary Cleland
Group Managing Director,
Corporate, Digital & Strategy

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Issue One

Resilience in a modern world

resilience in a modern world

Welcome to the first edition of REWIRE

Survive... Then Thrive

The Age of Resilience

War Footing

© Hanover Communications 2024, an AVENIR GLOBAL company. All rights reserved.

