National days and significant consumer moments come quickly. Blue Monday, Valentine’s, Pancake Day, International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, Easter… Life moves fast and that’s before we’ve even woken up to summer.
Where should brands get involved? What is ‘value-adding’ and what is just noise?
If you have nothing good to say, don’t say anything at all. A good rule of thumb for brands is to work harder in identifying moments that really resonate with their audience. Build relevant relationships that are anchored through authenticity and emotion, which is where more genuine brand love can grow.
But can a brand stay quiet? Even when the moment is cause and issues related?
Yes. Authenticity.
Never lose sight of your brand vision, mission, and purpose. We actively hold this front and centre as a filter for all campaigns and storytelling. It is the compass that tells us what we should stand for and who we should stand with (or against).
Perhaps the choice is more when to align with other experts and leaders for a greater impact and understanding, once the critical issues have been identified. Sometimes, using a platform and leading an audience to recognise more relevant work and organisations directly impacting the space might meet objectives with greater impact.
Does this stripped back framework still allow for creativity?
OF COURSE! Focusing more strategically on these territories gives brands the freedom to ‘go big and be bold’, knowing that the space is authentically theirs to play in.