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Navigating Change: The Art of Internal Communications with Paul Osgood

Published 03 Jul 2024

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In this compelling episode, we welcome Paul Osgood, former Global Head of Internal Communications, for an insightful conversation with our Corporate Director, Sinead Bell. With a career spanning from the 1980's to recent roles at global giants like Philips and Clifford Chance, Paul brings a treasure trove of experience and insights to the table.

Gain an insider's perspective on Paul's pivotal involvement in BG Group's integration into Shell, and the innovative strategies he employed to manage this monumental change. His understanding of leadership buy-in and values-driven leadership during times of change helped to ensure employees felt guided and supported throughout the process. 

Paul also shares his unique "Have I Got a Job" curve and other groundbreaking approaches to managing change, including creative ways to help employees find closure during transitions.

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