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Dame Tracey Crouch Joins Hanover as Managing Director, Sport

Hanover Communications, one of EMEA’s leading strategic communications consultancies, today announced the hire of former UK Sports...


Olympics 2024: Countdown to the Countdown

Find out how brands can use creativity to solve complex comms challenges during the event and earn an Olympic Halo.


Notes from Labour conference: the passage of power?

Power is where power goes. Over the past few weeks, British politics has borne out Lyndon Johnson’s famous maxim. With the arrival of...


The power to influence in an age of uncertainty

Political precedents have fallen like dominoes in recent years. Old certainties have collapsed under the weight of populist politics,...


If accountability is an enjoyable process, then the organisation isn’t doing it right

Like real beauty, reputation does not run skin-deep. You can’t, in the words of LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, just “put on your...


What is the anatomy of a resilient reputation?

Exclusive analysis from Hanover shows the value of corporate reputation is increasingly recognised in boardrooms, as communications...


Reputation strategy in a rewired world

Reputation management has fundamentally shifted in the last decade – from a primary focus on protecting and facilitating business...


Rewiring corporate strategy to drive resilience

Resilience in reputation has always been important. But in a decade which has already seen a global pandemic, a decline in democracy,...


Keeping 'Black Swans' at bay: Four crisis management lessons from business leaders

It’s been almost a year since the first episode of White Swan: The Crisis Podcast first landed.

In that time, we’ve heard from...

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