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The Rewire Workshop

Identifying improvements to an organisation's reputational resilience.


Our proprietary Rewire tool explores the resilience of an organisation’s reputation in today's fast-paced and uncertain global environment. It provides scoring and recommendations based on five dimensions of reputational resilience. From there, our follow-up workshop uses a team’s diagnostic responses as a framework to identify actions that can improve the reputational resilience of an organisation.


Before the session, each attendee is given their own unique, private link to the tool. Once complete, our analysts review the findings from the whole team and identify patterns in your answers. We look for:

Consistent low scores in a specific dimension or statement

Where does your organisation have more to do to build resilience, and how can we use this information as a basis for strategic and creative development work?

Consistent high scores in a specific dimension or statement

What can we learn from what you do in this dimension of reputation which we could apply to other areas of your reputation?

Polarised scores in a specific dimension or statement

This often suggests a lack of alignment across the business. What is driving this lack of alignment and should it be a concern?


Our Rewire diagnostic tool helps leaders turn vulnerabilities into opportunities.


On the day

We use this analysis to facilitate a focused one-hour workshop which covers:

Reputational resilience diagnosis

• Sharing your full Rewire results

Addressing pain points

• Examining dimensions (or specific statements) with low scores

• Facilitated exercise to identify root causes for these pain points and begin to plot solutions

Building on benefits

• Examining dimensions with high scores and learnings that can be transferred into other areas

• Unpacking what behaviours, mindsets, systems or processes make that area a success

Dissonant viewpoints

• Reviewing areas with big splits in scoring to identify areas of misalignment or risk

Making the session successful

  • A successful outcome requires a commitment from attendees to complete transparency both in completing the tool and in the session itself

  • Integration into a broader leadership agenda is key to ensure a focus on mission critical strategic questions and ambition beyond the day to day.

Outcomes of the session

  • A clear roadmap of strategic reputational challenges across your organisation

  • Understanding of root causes/drivers for your reputational challenges

  • Initial thinking on actions to address areas of risk or opportunity

Talk to us

Gary Cleland

Group Managing Director

© Hanover Communications 2025, an AVENIR GLOBAL company. All rights reserved.


