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Ireland Public Affairs Calendar 2023

Published 27 Jan 2023
Public Affairs and Policy

We are public affairs experts and advise a variety of clients on political, regulatory, legislative and reputational issues.

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2023 sees the Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, Green Party coalition Government pass the mid-point of its term, following the first Taoiseach-Tánaiste changeover in the history of the State.

A significant moment

The Government’s immediate focus in 2023 has moved from responding to the emergency-phase of the pandemic to dealing with an inflationary economy, heightened energy and commodity prices and the international implications of the war in Ukraine.

2023 also marks the 50th anniversary of Ireland’s accession to the European Union (EU) in 1973, a significant moment in Ireland’s political and economic history. 50 years later, Government policy is broadly aligned with the EU’s Digital Decade to 2030 and the European Green Deal, while EU involvement in health policy is gradually increasing in scope.

Key legislative and policy milestones

In our 2023 Irish Public Affairs Calendar, we have identified key legislative and policy milestones over the next twelve months across three significant themes; technology, healthcare and sustainability.

These timelines provide a roadmap for each sector, as Ireland engages in the dual transition towards a more digitised and sustainable economy, while endeavouring to enhance healthcare outcomes for all.

For more information on how Hanover can assist your business, or on any aspect of the policy timelines, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Click to read Ireland Public Affairs Calendar 2023

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