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The World Rewired: Analysing the Business Impact of the 2024 Elections

Published 08 Apr 2024
Public Affairs and Policy

We are public affairs experts and advise a variety of clients on political, regulatory, legislative and reputational issues.

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Countries with around half the world’s population are going to the polls in 2024. More people are voting this year than in any other in history.

‘The Year of Elections’ is already everyone’s phrase of the moment – but what does it mean? And what actually matters for businesses as these contests go down to the wire?

There are a series of overlapping risks that are difficult to predict and plan for. This year’s Davos summit was dominated by leaders talking about the unique challenges that 2024 presents, from the potential impact of AI on election integrity and fears of decaying democracy to intensifying regional conflicts and disrupted supply chains.

This collection of short essays looks ahead to these challenges, both in specific markets like the EU and UK and in areas impacting them all, such as technology and sustainability. It includes contributions from Hanover policy experts focused on fast-changing regulatory landscapes, and advisors who have been at the centre of some of most high-profile elections of recent years.

We hope you find their insights useful as you prepare your business for this historic year.

Talk to us

Joe Derry-Malone

Managing Director

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